Bus is ready for a new step |Public Transport Magazine

2022-08-19 20:07:06 By : Ms. yu Qin

This topic of 'sustainability' has never been so relevant in public transport as it is now.The Netherlands is facing major challenges related to nitrogen, sustainability and reducing CO2 emissions.Add the housing shortage, the mobility challenges and the often scarce budgets, and you see that the politicians can roll up their sleeves.This article was previously published in OV-Magazine 2/2022.Would you like to receive OV-Magazine on paper or digitally from now on?Then take out a subscription.These challenges are all interrelated.One million new homes must be added by 2030.Homes that need to be built sustainably.Some plans even include car-free neighborhoods.At the same time, residents want to be able to go to work, to appointments or for a day out quickly and easily.That is why a good connection to public transport is essential when constructing new residential areas.Is there no bus stop, train station or electric shared bicycle in front of the new home?Then the residents quickly return to the car.This creates new problems or nuisance: think of traffic jams, deterioration of air quality and the choice of parking places instead of trees and plants.'Where previously the clean and quiet train was a logical choice, an electric or hydrogen bus can now easily enter the district'Readers of OV-Magazine will probably not be surprised that public transport can make a significant contribution to solving each of these challenges.But then we have to keep the current public transport network, even if travelers do not return en masse after the corona crisis.If we are forced to further scale down our offer, the mobility, CO2 and nitrogen challenges will only increase instead of decrease.The public transport sector is in full consultation with the government to prevent this doomsday scenario.Moreover, it is time to expand the offer with new, flexible and sustainable mobility solutions, such as fast bus connections (Bus Rapid Transit).This can only be achieved if we already seek cooperation and include mobility solutions in the plans for new housing developments.A neighborhood can then be set up as a car-free zone.A well-designed BRT system improves the quality of life for local residents and can even produce more homes, because fewer parking spaces are needed.We are increasingly adapting our offer to the wishes of travelers.Thanks to the arrival of zero-emission vehicles, the bus can take up the challenge with the rail.Where previously the clean and quiet train was a logical choice, an electric or hydrogen bus can now easily enter the residential area.In order to then take travelers quickly and comfortably to, for example, a workplace or entertainment venue.The bus also uses asphalt.This is often already there, or is easier to install.And that makes BRT a really serious alternative for the implementation of a fine-grained, fast and cost-efficient public transport system.The possibilities and the required expertise are available.Now our sector must still be given the opportunity to make a sustainable contribution to the future of the Netherlands.As transporters, decentralized clients and representatives of central government, let's look together at the challenges ahead.In order to arrive at an integrated approach.For short-term solutions, but also for generations to come.Again such information from a person who has a fixed working place! As a former ambulant Technician, and as in many technical professions, public transport makes no sense at all. Because many technical professionals, and other professions very early in the work buses/company cars are already on the way. Myself went to get into the company car in the morning at 6 -7.30, and especially the contents of many technical parts, on the road for repairs and maintenance of very complex technical devices. formerly the groups of the National Police, and in the early days no means of transport, and ran from one RP group to another, and especially solving technical devices was an important given. As an example: I started in Leiderdorp and end at the bottom of Brabant etc through a full working day. But many other institutions were also spread over a very large area. If I had gone public, I would not have come home by now. And that also applies to the manyambulant professions, which have to move very quickly. But I also often had to deal with the WHITE BOARD MENTALITET, behind the office desk you can arrange everything, but the practice is of a different level. If you have a fixed workplace , then public transport is very attractive to use a motorbike / E-Bike / public transport. And that is always the recurring theme, of self-proclaimed Experts, who see the many traffic jams from the office room. I am so happy with my super economical 3 cylinder fuel car, and only use it when necessary. I am a happy resident of the Netherlands with my current age of 78 years. And the experience I have taken with me that the Netherlands is a wonderfully beautiful country. And in places / villages / nature reserves etc came through my ambulatory move through the Netherlands. What is it nice, because there is also a very good public transport, compared to the many foreign world countries, where move via a donkey / and via their own two legs,and through very vAll buses, and often hang on the outside of the Buses must move. And also be happy, because they have work, and have to see every day, to get food.Submitted by hans peperkamp on Wed, 27/07/2022 - 18:22Well "We are increasingly adapting our offer to the wishes of travelers."Whoever writes such sentences lives in a world of his own.It's like he believes it himself.Every innovation in public transport comes from outside (usually IT or energy technology), is a kind of parasitization, and zero looking at yourself.Nobody notices (not even interested in) How many conferences in the public transport field have I attended in which the only outcome of the Babylonian self-talk was a well-meant 'even better cooperation'.Every year again, and people believe it themselves.Now I have to say that rail is really worse than bus.The arrogance.I really don't think one can do better. Nothingness has just become culture, especially with the consultants and science.I give OV everything, they have my heart, but I see it as a sector of complexity to hide behind and consider yourself big and serious.Words like the emperor's clothes.Fits perfectly not to be taken seriously, no matter how much mobilists/civil servants/politicians want to be sustainable.In its essence, public transport offers a wonderful solution to social problems.But that will not solve the current people and current scientists, never ever.No sign indicating it.That road could have been clear 10-20 years ago, simplicity is the essence of public transport, and then you are a winner for the future (for users, and for the environment (sustainability/livability).But that contradicts the blah blah culture that has really become so endemic that no one realizes it anymore, even journalism and 'experts by experience' eat and talk the nonsense jargon.(Indeed actually all are the 'white collars' that Reverend Hans Peperkamp is talking about above. Nice people otherwise, but in a parallel universe with reality. When you see it you feel how perverse it actually works and is, yuck! Isn't for nothing that the lower-educated, the drivers and conductors themselves also dissociate, feel alone, and drop out, no longer check tickets, absenteeism, etc.)But yeah, let's put down a "Bus Rapid Transit" line somewhere.Then the entire sector can do blah blah blah about it again, thinking that they are doing something meaningful.Unfortunately, OV is now >90% occupational therapy, <10% mobility, and with that it should go to the Ministry of Social Affairs.And as far as I'm concerned, NS can go to Healthcare.Where it belongs.It has nothing to do with sustainability, the future or innovation.Submitted by johan vermeulen on Wed, 27/07/2022 - 20:06The advantage is that the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (mobility) may stop fooling itself.That would be something!Maybe people are even startled awake (hey the Anass (NS)/arriva/etc has been solved, wow the future has arrived! Finally getting started) Although I think the Stockholm syndrome is a more promising scenario (identification with hostage takers, NS/ public transport sector in this case).I don't wish The Hague, nor NL, the ultimate horror scenario that eats everyone alive at an iner than inert tempo - Revenge of the ANASS-MAAS-BRT featuring Manu Lageirse & you name it.Submitted by johan vermeulen on Wed, 27/07/2022 - 20:45Dear Editors: Finally a very positive substantive response, what a beauty of self-reflection, and that's why I gave so much exact info. The Netherlands is waking up! We live more and more in a Narcissistic society, where the Experts can express themselves, and also my question, what does Press freedom mean, with regard to the display of the exact information, to the inhabitants of the Netherlands. Some time ago I gave a lot of information to the counter of Omroep Gelderland, they would come back to it, for my content regarding climate/environmental aspects, but also because of the bad purchase of the transport buses delivered from China, which have caused a lot of misery. But also the national media, often fail to display their knowledge about Windmills / Solar Parks / Solar Panels, but the Holy Cow is mainly about the great sales of electric cars. When I walk through Velp in the daily corridors, the power charging stations are close to handcounting, only in the better neighborhoods!, you occasionally see a standing. As I have often agreed, the German TV/Radio broadcasters give better, more accurate, well-founded information through the Moderators, compared to the NPO/Commercial TV channels.What an advantage if you own a dish. But with an age of 78 you will not be mistaken for a high IQ. Because in the pigeonholed spirit in the Netherlands you belong to the old/elderly no I belong to the new group well educated technical former Technically savvy residents of the Netherlands.Submitted by hans peperkamp on Thu, 28/07/2022 - 09:08Dear Mr. Johan Vermeulen: it could have been so nice the solution for the daily traffic jams, in the Randstad, with 431 km/h to areas in the Netherlands, for commuting, where enjoyment of life is still present. See via youtube.nl (tap) Maglev Shanhai(type) Mega Future Trains|Mega Structures|Free Documentury. I also passed on a lot of the latest innovation technological developments via Facebook to the following Facebooks, which I have already mentioned so much. Via VVD Rheden/VVD Gelderland/ VVD/Frans Timmermans/European Parliament Netherlands/D66/Groenlinks/Hr Mark Rutte etc. I introduced Mr Mark Rutte via his Facebook, to form the new Government Cabinet, more MPs, who are more an Ir, or a Béta training in the pocket. And a committee of tenders and a committee for investigations, to prevent the well-known blunders. But unfortunately it is again the well-known dolls that have been placed on the div.Departments.I deleted Face-Book,because I led China as the world leader of the high-tech innovation techniques>and Facebook is an American Company.But through my Dish, FTA(FREE TO AIR) reception in English Language sees the NHK Japanese state TV broadcaster / Chinese broadcaster / South Korea and also a lot of the latest technological development, which is very diverse. But yes, I remain a voice crying in the desert, and it will take my time, at 78 years.Submitted by hans peperkamp on Thu, 28/07/2022 - 20:00Dear Mr. Johan Vermeulen: what people ignore with the E-busses, that sustainability does have its price. Especially those lithium batteries that are used, and especially lithium / cobalt / manganese / zinc, etc. come from those very corrupt countries, where human rights are not present at all. But we can produce hydrogen ourselves, and to reduce those terrible working conditions for those Delvers in those very corrupt countries. See via youtube.nl (type in) ZDF HD planet e der wahre price Elektroautos in) Bolivia im lithium Rausch, before you use the E-buses, that those miners work for 7.50 euros per day, to be able to drive sustainably (tap) Hydrogen Feul Cell Busses; again indicates the purchase of Hydrogen hydrogen propulsion (type in) Electroschrott: von Bayern nach Ghana, shows that Africa is used as waste for the EU-bound member states. And many surrendered mainly Diesel buses, trucks have already been sold in third world countries. And that is the contradiction in being aware of a bus ready for a new step. And such data is often not displayed in the interest of CO2 free transport, and especially in the inner cities, for more good health. But in Africa the inhabitants have no choice in a CO2 free transport.Submitted by hans peperkamp on Fri, 29/07/2022 - 19:17Travelers in the Haaglanden and Voorne-Putten & Rozenburg regions have recently been able to board the EBS buses…From 7 to 9 June, the Mobility Expo, a mobility fair focused on all facets of…The Dutch company Tribus has been converting minibuses into wheelchair accessible vehicles for almost 25 years.Three…With the 'eCitaro', Evobus (Daimler) presents a total system for electric bus transport.Depending on the…GVB orders 84 new electric buses from VDL.These 100 percent electrically powered buses will be delivered from…In Schiedam, Maassluis and Rotterdam, zero emission buses now also run on lines that were previously served…Next Sunday, public transport travelers can use the EBS buses free of charge.On December 11, 2021,…Who are the people who keep public transport going in the Netherlands?This year, OV-Magazine is going to investigate.This one…